This function is reasonably likely to work on any system where the native int type and the pointer type have the same number of bits available. 这个函数在任何int类型和指针类型所占用的位数相同的系统上都可以很好地工作。
A pointer to a variable of this type is passed to the process_args() function, and on return, the variable contains values obtained from arg processing. 指向该类型变量的指针被传递到processargs()函数,返回该指针时,它包含从参数处理过程获得的值。
Another pointer is required of the type SSL_CTX. 同时需要有另一个类型为SSLCTX的指针。
Another pointer of type SSL is also needed to hold the SSL connection structure ( this is required for something that will be done shortly). 还需要另一个SSL类型的指针来保持SSL连接结构(这是短时间就能完成的一些连接所必需的)。
To have a variable hold this kind of list in a program, all you need is to have a pointer that points to type struct ll_int_node. 要在程序中使用一个变量来容纳这种链表,您需要做的只是使用一个指向类型structllintnode的指针。
The malloc/ construct routine from the object-pool interface returns a pointer to the type. object-pool接口中的malloc/construct例程返回指向类型的指针。
Sa is a pointer to a structure of type sp_args. sa是指向类型为spargs的结构的指针。
The first item in each tuple is a callable object ( in this case a method pointer) and the second is a HTTP request type that the method should be called for. 每个元组的第一项是可调用对象(在这里是一个方法指针),第二项是HTTP请求类型,这种请求类型可以调用该方法。
In earlier versions, it changes the return value of the generated function in_word_set() from its default Boolean value ( that is, 0 or1) to the pointer to wordlist array type. 在早期版本中,它将生成的函数inwordset()返回的默认布尔值(即0或1)修改为pointertowordlistarray类型。
Array declarators as function arguments now have a meaningful difference from pointer declarators: you can put in type qualifiers. 作为函数参数的数组声明符现在与指针声明符有了很大意义上的不同;您可以插入类型限定词。
That means a reference type can have a null pointer, but a value type cannot have a null value. 这意味着引用类型可能有空指针,但是数值类型不能有空值。
Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型
Illegal comparison of pointer type 指针类型的非法比较
The other alternative is to modify the instruction pointer register using the rm command and just type go. 另一个办法是使用rm命令修改指令指针寄存器,然后只要输入go。
Temperature control instrument for pointer type, digital display type, intelligent type in order to adapt to the different needs of users. 控温仪表分为指针式、数字显示式、智能式以适应用户的不同需要。
The type of locals declared in a fixed statement must be a pointer type. 在固定语句中声明的局部变量类型必须是指针类型。
Cannot cast an integral type to a pointer to a managed type 无法将整型强制转换为指向托管类型的指针
This paper mainly introduced how to implement pointer type in CML language. 本文主要介绍了如何在CML语言中实现带指针类型的编译器。
The display screen is pointer dial type or digital display type. 显示屏为指针刻盘式或数字显示式。
If the base member took different arguments than the derived-class member, there would be no way to call the derived function from a reference or pointer to the base type. 如果基类成员与派生类成员接受的实参不同,就没有办法通过基类类型的引用或指针调用派生类函数。
Traditional gas pressure calcimetre adopts pointer type pressure meter to measure gas pressure, but it only provides static data, and could not record and observe dynamic pressure data continuously. 传统的瓦斯压力测定仪采用指针式压力表则定瓦斯压力,提供的只是静态数据,不能记录和观察连续变化的动态压力数据。
A pointer type describes an object whose value provides a reference to an entity of the referenced type. 但是通过它的值则肯定可以找到他所引用的对象实体。
It is used to cast a pointer type to a wide enough integral type and back to the original pointer type. 用于把指针类型转换到整形以及转回到指针类型。
LPVOID A32-bit pointer to an unspecified type. LPVOID32位指针,可指向任何类型对象。
We now know that this represents a function pointer type that can refer to any method taking a single int argument and returning a string. 我们现在知道了这是一个函数指针类型,它可以引用任何有一个int类型参数并且返回一个string类型的方法。
Contact Pointer Type Tool Break Detecting Device 触针式刀具折断检测装置
The protocol stack can be carried out by means of C language. All the use of pointer explicit the type of memory and system is compiled by the minor mode of Keil C. 协议栈用C语言实现,指针的使用都明确存储类型,并采用keilC小模式下编译。
This paper introduces the smart pointer type of var in CORBA. Some examples are illustrated to show its features and limitations. At last, dynamic management of local memory in CORBA is detailed. 分析了CORBA开发中的-var灵巧指针,示例说明了它的特点与不足,最后讨论了CORBA的本地动态内存管理。
Pointer Type Implemented in SNL Language 指针类型在SNL语言中的实现
Most of these classic models first select the indexes under a certain method, which have smaller relation and are in line with certain principles. Then these indexes are put in the pointer type classifier ( computational model) to classify and determine the sample. 这些经典模型大多数都先以一定的方法进行指标筛选,筛选出关联度较小或符合一定原则的指标,然后将指标输入分类器(计算模型)进行分类,判别样本。